Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I really realized how I have some great friends today. My laptop got a virus last week, thus one reason for not updating my blog. Tony, my neighbor, friend and softball coach (haha) took it into his possession to help me solve my problem.
Mac, who is in the competition with me, went out to lunch together today ( as we usually do) and really enjoyed the conversation. Its amazing that to people in the same industry who are technically competitors really get along so good. Its like were brothers. Yes we do fight, but it never last long.
Brian, my assistant, has really been there to support me and my businesses the last few weeks. Even after getting married, he has really stayed focus and has helped to look at growth and the future of the business. Very much appreciated!
Weazy and I went to a chamber after hours and really enjoyed our time together. We met some great people and their companies. I am truly impressed with the North Coast Young Proffessionals and their dedication to the orgainization. They are truly trying to make a difference and an impression. Weazy and I then grabbed some dinner and I really enjoyed our conversation. We got some time to spend talking about our new venture and some ideas we both have.

Now to update on the competition. I have stayed true to my workouts. I lift and either run or do abs 6 days a week. I must admit that while my eating has not been perfect, I have sustained a pretty healthy diet. I am looking into some vitamins and proteins to start the first of the month. A visit to GNC will surely help. I think I have a chance of winning if I stay strong. I am going to time my run this week to see if I have shaved anytime off my 7 minute mile (thats just in case the compeitors are reading this blog). Trust me if I ran 7 minute mile I would not be working so hard. However, one of the competitors thinks he can run a mile and a half in 10 minutes. We'll see?

Real estate is going strong. I put two properties in contract last week, however I am having difficulties with one of the transactions. I also listed a few new listings with a few more coming on line. I am excited about the activity and am hoping for a continued busy fall.

Danny Boys is starting to get the regular customers back now that the tourist are gone. I am excited about spending some more time working there. We are changing up some food items and hiring some new staff. I want to work with them to help them serve the customer better and with a smile. I really appreciate everyones business and support. We just had some new door hangers prepared and we are going to start delivering them out tomorrow. I am excited to see how are return is.

Till next time................

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