Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 weeks

We hit the two week mark in our competition today. I am partially proud for where I am today, however I thought I would have a little better results for all the hard work and sacrifices I put in. I guess that says that I was more out of shape than I thought. My weight is down and since I switched my workouts my strength is increasing. If I can stay true and strong to my diet and my workouts I am truly a top contender. I will say I am taking this competition as a lifestyle change, not just a 90 challenge.

We finally were back to a normal night as a family. I picked up Nathan from school and came home and mowed the grass. He went out and played with friends with his brother while Weazy made a delicious dinner. After a nice family dinner we played tickle monster, watched tv and then the boys headed off to bed. It was good for all of us.

Work is great. I am spending alot of time in Cleveland with my listings, however Sandusky market is finally picking up. I have gotten some great listings and we are aggressively marketing for buyers.

The restaurant sales have slowed as the tourist season has slowed. We are aggresively being creative with new marketing, new menu items as well as working on bringing mixed drinks in the to fray.

Weazy and my new venture is moving forward. We have some big meetings on Thursday to review the property. Some of the other assets we need to make it work are coming along. The new venture is exciting, however it will take several months to get going.

Till next post....

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