Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hard work

Well they say hard work pays off and I am starting to see it. I have worked out twice a day for the last 7 days and its starting to show. The bad news is that last friday I kinked my neck and have not been able to look to the right. My chiropractor is on some luxury cruise sticking it to me. Great! Thus I resorted to Andrea who does my messages and does an excellent job. After wrenching on my back and neck for 45 minutes I left sore and it is slowly loosing up. I am down 6lbs starting to lean up and getting ready to really hit the weights at the end of this week. I have changed my routine up and am doing p-90 for 3 days and my weight training the other 4 days.

Now the competition: Quiet Brian is staying true to his diet and workout. I am sensing some weakness in the run, but I think he will be a surprise in the bench. Big Daddy has stayed true to his diet and is increasing his workouts. I am truly surprised but extremely happy with his performance so far. Focus Factor Brian is hitting the treadmill and workouts hard but struggled eating this weekend. He did impress with lunch today, but was it just a front or will he stay strong. Now Dr. Mind bender is bringing it strong. Regular work outs with a reduced diet he will be a threat in several categories. The "Surprise" will be just that... Dont know how well he is truly doing. Now Tim the Toolman has undergone some life changes and has delayed his start unless he is just feeding me lines.

This truly is life changing and it becomes addicting... the questions is who can stay strong for 90 days. Its longer than we all thought and will take tremendous dedication.

I have experienced the same in real estate. Hard work is starting to pay off. I have several new listings with activity on most my properties. I am excited about the next few days and am hoping for an offer or two. I must say I have the coolest house open from 12 to 3 on Sunday. Come and see this amazing house with a custom finished basement with bar and entertainment room. Gourment kitchen with a two story deck and a patio below. This is a must see to appreciate! I also listed the 31.5 acres I described in previous blog. Only $189,000. It will be posted on my website soon. Only $6,000 per acre.. $189,000!

Weazy has settled in to school and the boys have finally started calming down. The boys have their first double header for fall ball on Saturday and Dom started flag football today. I love fall.... football season! Speaking of which I think Michigan will surprise all and beat OSU this year. But first OSU has to get through USC and that will be a challange. I hope they win. Huron has a huge game Saturday night. They look good and I am hoping they pull off a big win.

Well I finally get to enjoy a glass of wine and sometime with Weazy ! Later....

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