Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Season

Well its that time of year where the pigskin is flying. However, in my families case its still baseball season. I went to the baseball diamonds on Saturday morning at 10:30 and didnt leave until 4pm. No I am not complaining. We had a blast and we won both our games. The second of the two games was a come from behind win. All the boys did well.

Saturday night we went to the big Huron vs St. Paul football game and unfortunately watched Huron get smoked. We then went to Danny Boys for some appetizers, pizza, beer and to watch the Ohio State Buckeyes lose to USC. As much as I am a Michigan fan (and it was awesome that they beat ND) I cant stand to see USC win and particularly to Ohio State. While I am eating pizza and fries two of my competitors settled for salads. I must say that this is a 90 day challenge that I want to make a lifestyle change, thus I need to have a day to eat pizza and drink beer. I will say my desire for Coke has diminished which is a positive. I was able to get a great chest and tri work out in on Friday and big leg workout tonight. Saturday was a day of to recoup (ok I didnt get a chance to work out).

Sunday we went to church. We were late and it was packed! I then had an open house and it rocked. Twelve couples came in and I had 2 interested parties and 2 couples looking for a different property which I think I may have what they are looking to purchase. Not a bad day! We finished with a family dinner at my parents which will be the last in this home. They sold there home in a week and have not found the right home to purchase yet. What a blessing to be able to sell there home that quick in this market!

I will finish the post by saying that I am working on a new business venture. I am looking at the location tomorrow to put the business and I am excited! I wont say much other than it will be exciting to tell all about as I set it up if the location works! Until the next post............

ps. I looked at other blogs and their sites are set up much better. If anyone knows how to set up a header with picture and background colors... do tell! Thanks

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