Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I really realized how I have some great friends today. My laptop got a virus last week, thus one reason for not updating my blog. Tony, my neighbor, friend and softball coach (haha) took it into his possession to help me solve my problem.
Mac, who is in the competition with me, went out to lunch together today ( as we usually do) and really enjoyed the conversation. Its amazing that to people in the same industry who are technically competitors really get along so good. Its like were brothers. Yes we do fight, but it never last long.
Brian, my assistant, has really been there to support me and my businesses the last few weeks. Even after getting married, he has really stayed focus and has helped to look at growth and the future of the business. Very much appreciated!
Weazy and I went to a chamber after hours and really enjoyed our time together. We met some great people and their companies. I am truly impressed with the North Coast Young Proffessionals and their dedication to the orgainization. They are truly trying to make a difference and an impression. Weazy and I then grabbed some dinner and I really enjoyed our conversation. We got some time to spend talking about our new venture and some ideas we both have.

Now to update on the competition. I have stayed true to my workouts. I lift and either run or do abs 6 days a week. I must admit that while my eating has not been perfect, I have sustained a pretty healthy diet. I am looking into some vitamins and proteins to start the first of the month. A visit to GNC will surely help. I think I have a chance of winning if I stay strong. I am going to time my run this week to see if I have shaved anytime off my 7 minute mile (thats just in case the compeitors are reading this blog). Trust me if I ran 7 minute mile I would not be working so hard. However, one of the competitors thinks he can run a mile and a half in 10 minutes. We'll see?

Real estate is going strong. I put two properties in contract last week, however I am having difficulties with one of the transactions. I also listed a few new listings with a few more coming on line. I am excited about the activity and am hoping for a continued busy fall.

Danny Boys is starting to get the regular customers back now that the tourist are gone. I am excited about spending some more time working there. We are changing up some food items and hiring some new staff. I want to work with them to help them serve the customer better and with a smile. I really appreciate everyones business and support. We just had some new door hangers prepared and we are going to start delivering them out tomorrow. I am excited to see how are return is.

Till next time................

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ode to the weekend

Well I know why I am not on the cover of mens health.... the weekends. While I must say I do well eating for breakfast and lunch, dinner is quite different. I must say that Weazy and I are looking into a new venture that deals with food and we have to do research. Thats right, eating hamburgers and french fries at a wine bar in Rocky River is research. Or having more wine and desert at the wine bar at Crocker Park is more research. I must say that I surprise myself how well I eat during the week. The weekend nights are tuff!

My workouts continue to be strong. This is a light week for me. We are into our third week and my workouts are consistant. This will be a recoup week and I will go back to hitting it strong next week. I am still on track to win this competition.

Real estate is going great. I have new great listings with a lot of activity. Most of the activity is coming on 31 acres I have. I also listed a great investment property in Sandusky. The other active listing is an investment property in Sheffield.

I went to a food show for new ideas for Danny Boys and came up with some new product. I will be trying it this week and hoping to have specials next week! Watch for announcements.

The boys are doing great at baseball. Their fall ball team is 4 -0. They have some tuff competition this weekend. Weazy and I took them to see its raining meatballs. That was a really good movie, however not necessary to see in 3d. Weazy is doing great at teaching. She just got an awesome review. She continues to impress me daily!

Til next blog!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2 weeks

We hit the two week mark in our competition today. I am partially proud for where I am today, however I thought I would have a little better results for all the hard work and sacrifices I put in. I guess that says that I was more out of shape than I thought. My weight is down and since I switched my workouts my strength is increasing. If I can stay true and strong to my diet and my workouts I am truly a top contender. I will say I am taking this competition as a lifestyle change, not just a 90 challenge.

We finally were back to a normal night as a family. I picked up Nathan from school and came home and mowed the grass. He went out and played with friends with his brother while Weazy made a delicious dinner. After a nice family dinner we played tickle monster, watched tv and then the boys headed off to bed. It was good for all of us.

Work is great. I am spending alot of time in Cleveland with my listings, however Sandusky market is finally picking up. I have gotten some great listings and we are aggressively marketing for buyers.

The restaurant sales have slowed as the tourist season has slowed. We are aggresively being creative with new marketing, new menu items as well as working on bringing mixed drinks in the to fray.

Weazy and my new venture is moving forward. We have some big meetings on Thursday to review the property. Some of the other assets we need to make it work are coming along. The new venture is exciting, however it will take several months to get going.

Till next post....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Season

Well its that time of year where the pigskin is flying. However, in my families case its still baseball season. I went to the baseball diamonds on Saturday morning at 10:30 and didnt leave until 4pm. No I am not complaining. We had a blast and we won both our games. The second of the two games was a come from behind win. All the boys did well.

Saturday night we went to the big Huron vs St. Paul football game and unfortunately watched Huron get smoked. We then went to Danny Boys for some appetizers, pizza, beer and to watch the Ohio State Buckeyes lose to USC. As much as I am a Michigan fan (and it was awesome that they beat ND) I cant stand to see USC win and particularly to Ohio State. While I am eating pizza and fries two of my competitors settled for salads. I must say that this is a 90 day challenge that I want to make a lifestyle change, thus I need to have a day to eat pizza and drink beer. I will say my desire for Coke has diminished which is a positive. I was able to get a great chest and tri work out in on Friday and big leg workout tonight. Saturday was a day of to recoup (ok I didnt get a chance to work out).

Sunday we went to church. We were late and it was packed! I then had an open house and it rocked. Twelve couples came in and I had 2 interested parties and 2 couples looking for a different property which I think I may have what they are looking to purchase. Not a bad day! We finished with a family dinner at my parents which will be the last in this home. They sold there home in a week and have not found the right home to purchase yet. What a blessing to be able to sell there home that quick in this market!

I will finish the post by saying that I am working on a new business venture. I am looking at the location tomorrow to put the business and I am excited! I wont say much other than it will be exciting to tell all about as I set it up if the location works! Until the next post............

ps. I looked at other blogs and their sites are set up much better. If anyone knows how to set up a header with picture and background colors... do tell! Thanks

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hard work

Well they say hard work pays off and I am starting to see it. I have worked out twice a day for the last 7 days and its starting to show. The bad news is that last friday I kinked my neck and have not been able to look to the right. My chiropractor is on some luxury cruise sticking it to me. Great! Thus I resorted to Andrea who does my messages and does an excellent job. After wrenching on my back and neck for 45 minutes I left sore and it is slowly loosing up. I am down 6lbs starting to lean up and getting ready to really hit the weights at the end of this week. I have changed my routine up and am doing p-90 for 3 days and my weight training the other 4 days.

Now the competition: Quiet Brian is staying true to his diet and workout. I am sensing some weakness in the run, but I think he will be a surprise in the bench. Big Daddy has stayed true to his diet and is increasing his workouts. I am truly surprised but extremely happy with his performance so far. Focus Factor Brian is hitting the treadmill and workouts hard but struggled eating this weekend. He did impress with lunch today, but was it just a front or will he stay strong. Now Dr. Mind bender is bringing it strong. Regular work outs with a reduced diet he will be a threat in several categories. The "Surprise" will be just that... Dont know how well he is truly doing. Now Tim the Toolman has undergone some life changes and has delayed his start unless he is just feeding me lines.

This truly is life changing and it becomes addicting... the questions is who can stay strong for 90 days. Its longer than we all thought and will take tremendous dedication.

I have experienced the same in real estate. Hard work is starting to pay off. I have several new listings with activity on most my properties. I am excited about the next few days and am hoping for an offer or two. I must say I have the coolest house open from 12 to 3 on Sunday. Come and see this amazing house with a custom finished basement with bar and entertainment room. Gourment kitchen with a two story deck and a patio below. This is a must see to appreciate! I also listed the 31.5 acres I described in previous blog. Only $189,000. It will be posted on my website soon. Only $6,000 per acre.. $189,000!

Weazy has settled in to school and the boys have finally started calming down. The boys have their first double header for fall ball on Saturday and Dom started flag football today. I love fall.... football season! Speaking of which I think Michigan will surprise all and beat OSU this year. But first OSU has to get through USC and that will be a challange. I hope they win. Huron has a huge game Saturday night. They look good and I am hoping they pull off a big win.

Well I finally get to enjoy a glass of wine and sometime with Weazy ! Later....

Monday, September 7, 2009

My O My what a Holiday

Whose idea was it to start this competition prior to a holiday weekend? While I didnt do too bad with my workouts I definetly over indulged in the pm. My breakfast and lunches were as they should be, but Danny Boys Pizza at 11:30 at night with a few brews didnt help my standings. Or taking my son and father in law to Put In Bay for a day doesnt bode well with a diet. The good news is my workouts were strong, my morning meals were good and I really enjoyed the weekend.

Well its late Monday night and I am watching the Miami and Florida State Football game while working on the computer. I am ready to hit the office first thing after my morning workout. I have a jammed packed week. I am working on possibly to new business ventures, trying to make an addition to Danny Boys and sell some properties. I have a few new listings and a couple of big showings this week as well.

Until tomorrow......

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Its amazing that when you try not to think about food, you think about it more. I had an extremely busy day at work today. I had a full slate of meetings starting at 8 am and ending at 7pm and had to drive back and forth to Cleveland twice. Being busy I didnt think the diet would bother me today...however I was wrong. Going from two eggs, sausage and hashbrowns to a green tea and granola bar just wasnt the same. Then a chicken caesar salad for lunch made me really hungry by the time dinner rolled around. Dinner being late was a chicken breast, rice and cantelope..... WHERE ARE THE FRENCH FRIES????

To top the day off, one of my managers at Danny Boys made the above smore pizza for me to try. I asked her to do it a couple of weeks ago so we can run as a special this fall. Definetly not the day to give me that, however was impressed with the look at the recipe she came up with.

I was succefull with my two a day work out. Cardio and abs in the morning and Chest and back at night. I ate too close to my big work out tonight and didnt feel so hot at the end of it. Alls good now.

Well my competitors are taking this serious to start, it will see where we all are in 30 days (or even in a week).

Well another busy day tomorrow. I think I need a good breakfast and I will try to make it up with a light lunch! Day 1 successful!