Monday, August 31, 2009

Chicago - Weigh Ins

What a weekend. Weazy and I went to Chicago to see her cousins and some friends from South Carolina. We drove out on Friday and were there 4 hours later. What a great time. Fun people, good drinks and great food. What else could you ask for?

Well weigh in finally came. Surprisely everyone made it to weigh in tonight. All the numbers are pretty close after final review except for me. I weigh the least of the group with the smallest amount of body fat. This means I am going to have to win the 1.5 mile run, bench press rep and best overall transformation. Its crazy thinking that when I wake up tomorrow I cant go out to my favorite restuarant and get my normal breakfast. I dont know how long I can make it on Granola and strawberries. I ate Wendy's for lunch and had snickers and coke today because I know I cant have them for the next 90 days. Let the competition begin.

Work has been picking up. Received a new listing on a 2600 sq. ft. home. Received a listing call on a 2,900 sq. ft. home and am supposed to write an offer on a home I have listed in Bay Village tomorrow. I am working on another two listings which I should now if I got them by the end of the week. Need a home? How about a 177,000 sq. ft. industrial warehouse in Cleveland?

Well gotta get ready for a big day tomorrow......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2: School Starts

What a day. Started off with the family going back to school. My boys are in 2nd and 4th grade now. I cannot believe how quickly they are growing up. Each year has gotten better and better, however they are becoming more and more independent too. This was also Weazy first day of school too. After 9 years off to take care of the boys she is back working and loving it. She got to come home to an email from a parent with a nice compliment!

Work was good today. Showed several homes (and condos) to buyers. Went on a new listing tour today. The property was 31 acres of which 15 acres of woods, 10 acres of farmland and 5 acres pond. Priced to sell at $160,000. If I get the listing I will definetly post pictures. I then sent out an email blast on 22,000 sq. ft. industrial property for $1,290,000. I was surprised how quickly I started getting responses to the emails. The property is on Rte 250 located between Rte 2 and the Ohio Turnpike.

Finally the boys had their first Fall Ball scrimmage. The team did well. What a learning experience for them with stealing and so much more action in the game. They brought home a win for the crowd! Dom was beamed 2 of the three times up to bat, but hung in there.

Now to my contest. Man I feel like I am moving slow. I decided not to gourge myself anymore and be happy with my current weight for Monday. I did some studying on food and with some help from a friend I got some really good food hints. I am learning what a study this is and how each of us is so different in metabolism and how we process our food. I may have to start my work out tomorrow so I am not sore all next week. If you have a helpful hint I am listening. I hope this blog helps me keep committed, so I look forward to some responses!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Blog: The Reason - The Competition

Wow... my first blog. haha. Well if you know me I like to stay up on technology, particularly cell phones. Weazy (my wife) and I recently went and saw Julie and Julia at the movies which among other things is about a girl who starts a blog. Found it fascinating that people end up searching these out or actually reading them. Then over the last couple of weeks I have seen more and more info on blogs, thus my attempt.

The two other reasons for this blog are:
1. I am proud of my businesses and like to share my interest with others

2. I entered into a competition with 5 (possibly) six other friends and thought this would be an exciting way to share about the contest and the characters (my friends) that are participating.

Edmond Hoty Real Estate is a Real Estate Brokerage company that also handles management and development of real estate. We sell both Commercial and Residential Real Estate.

Danny Boys Italian Eatery is an Italian restaurant located in Sandusky, Ohio. The restaurant recently won best Italian Restaurant!

I will post more on the businesses and their activities as I go forward!

We have agreed to enter into a body transformation contest. As we get older and older we have been living more and more in the past rather than being proud of who we are today (physically that is). So he goes the contest:
1. Percentage of weight loss
2. Percentage of body fat loss
3. Who can rep 185 lbs on the bench the most
4. An all out 1.5 mile race (sharpen your elbows)
5. Overall body improvement.

Official weigh in and pictures are Monday August 31 with the competition starting on September 1st and going for 90 days. That's ending on November 30 (yes after Thanks Giving). This is a no holds bar competition where anything goes.

Being the wise one I thought, I decided to pack on the pounds as I am lightest of the group (I think). However, that has taken a toll. I never thought I would get to a point where I didn't look forward to my next meal or want to eat healthy... boy was I wrong. I have gained approximately 10 lbs in a week and I am ready to start this contest. I don't think I can wait until Monday for final weigh in.
Here our my competitors:
Quiet Brian
Big Daddy Mac
Focus Factor Brian
Tim the Tool Man
Dr. Mind Bender
and me "Papou" I wanted my other nickname but they vetoed it.

I am not sure I am ready to post the pictures of me in my current shape, however after some transformation I will post before and after pictures.